Current Development Status of Stevia Sugar

2023-02-26 22:42

According to reports, from 2014 to 2018, the average annual growth of new products using stevia glycosides worldwide was approximately 13%, and the number of new food products containing stevia glycosides increased by 27% in 2018. From the above reports, it is evident that the development and application of stevia products have developed rapidly in recent years. Although steviol sugar is widely used in multiple countries and has passed the "Generally Recognized Safety (GRAS)" resolution for steviol glycoside series products, and China's national food safety standards also clearly state that steviol sugar can be used as a food additive in food, steviol sugar in China is still mainly exported. Due to issues such as insufficient purity of raw materials, bitter aftertaste, and limited scientific publicity, steviol sugar has a low acceptance in China, Further development and utilization are needed.